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Returns & Refunds

Returns & Refunds

  • You have up to 30 days from the date of receipt to return your product for a full refund or exchange, subject to the below:
  • If your product/s is unused and unopened and not due to a change of mind.
  • If you are eligible for a refund, you will be refunded using the same method as your initial purchase.
  • Returns must be accompanied by proof of purchase.
  • Please note, if a product has been used or opened we do not offer refunds or exchanges.
  • We do not exchange or refund gift vouchers or promotional items.
  • If you’re not happy with your order, please tell us – we’ll always try to help you if we can.
  • Please discontinue any product that you have had an adverse reaction to.
    • Take a photo of the reaction, with date of reaction, product purchase date, and date when you started using the product.

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Valid for one time only on full priced products (excludes Skintech).

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